Sunday 24 March 2013

ROW80 Check-in Sunday 24th March 2013

It has been a busy week at work. I know I keep saying that but this week really and truly was insane. Here were my goals:

1) Read two books a week in order to read 100 books this year!

2) a) change short story draft,

b) email to Lauren with fingers crossed,
c) submit to competition!

3) Write a ROW80 check-in every Sunday.
So, let's see how I have done.

Goal One
I finished book number 14 this year and managed to squeeze in a little reading time. I have a shelf of books to be read and am meant to be reading through them before I buy any new ones. But on Wednesday I accidently bought three new books. I have no excuse and I'd do it again! I am about ten books behind where I should be for the 100 books in a year challenge but I have a plan which I'll talk about later.

Goal Two
I did change my short story draft and then I printed it out and yesterday I edited it again. I wasn't expecting as much pink pen as the first edit but there is still lots of pink pen! I am starting to freak out about sending it to Lauren and the competition because I am not 100% happy with it so I am going to wait till tomorrow to send it to Lauren as I feel I need to think more on it. I know I am stalling and it might mean she doesn't have time to read it which will only be my fault for procrastinating but I need to take a step away. I am going to submit it whatever because I need to challenge myself to do that.

Goal Three

Now as I mentioned earlier I need a plan. I needed a plan for CampNaNo and for reading so I have come up with a plan of sorts. In April I am not going to take part in camp. I am slightly gutted as I love the NaNo experience but I am completely unprepared and feel I need to look at some of the writing I have already done rather than hash out 50k new words. So I have decided April will be a month of reading. Even typing that makes me feel happy! I need to get some quality reading time in partly for my sanity and partly for my 100 books goal. But I have added a twist as I felt it was a cop out to not write in April. One of the things I must read and make notes on is my first finished chick lit novel. I have spoken about this one before and I love the premise but not the main character and it had the first 50k in the wrong tense so needs work. I also know that I don't like the way I wrote it. I was going through a tough time in my own love life (remember that? not pretty!) which I know impacted on my writing and my writing was much too serious. I was thinking of re-writing it for NaNo but I know if I don't stop, read it, make notes and sort out some issues I will end up hammering out lots of words that will need lots of work. So that is my plan for April and I'll be able to have these goals as my ROW80 goals for the new round and also jump in on some sprints.

It has been a bumpy round but I am still here and excited for round 2! Thank you for all your comments and support especially those of you on twitter who are nothing short of amazing! Here is hoping the next round is even better than this one has been!

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