Sunday 17 March 2013

ROW80 Check-in 17th March 2013

Well it has been a calmer week and I have achieved some goals but failed miserably on one. Here were my goals:

1) Read two books a week in order to read 100 books this year!

2) Finish first draft of short story in third person.

3) Write a ROW80 check-in every Sunday.

Goal One
Really struggling with this! I am still reading book number 14 of the year but I have barely found time to read this week and weekend. It is a JoJo Moyes book and I love her work but I am just not finding the time. I am about 8 books behind where I would ideally be but I have a two week break soon which means lots of lovely reading time. After posting this I am going to have a relaxing evening so will do some readng. As I always say, there is time to catch up on this one!

Goal Two
COMPLETE! I finished the draft in third person of my short story and it works a better than the first person draft so I am pleased I tried it. The first draft was 1,700 words long but I did the first edit today and whilst I have cut, re-arranged and scrawled out words I also added some. I edited in pink as it feels more positive then red and I am glad I did because there is A LOT of pink on the page!

Goal Three

So it has been a sucessful week writing wise and as mentioned I have done my first edit. It was painful but the bare bones were there. I need to make the changes on the computer but I am going to do that tomorrow and hopefully the always wonderful Lauren is going to cast her eye over it for me. I have the craziest week at work so I am going to keep goals one and three the same and goal two needs to be simple!

1) Read two books a week in order to read 100 books this year!

2) a) change short story draft,

b) email to Lauren with fingers crossed,
c) submit to competition!

3) Write a ROW80 check-in every Sunday.

Oh, hang on. Simple goal three has ended up with three parts! But they are necessary as the deadline is on the 31st March. I aim to be at the sprint tomorrow to do my editing and then the rest of the week is going to be a wash out apart from hopefully some reading time. Next Saturday will hopefull be the day I submit the story. Deep breath. It is also a huge thing for me to let the lovely Lauren read it as no-one has really read anything I have written before. Two deep breaths! But I know she will be honest but gentle!

I hope you are all smashing your goals and have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. I find that when I write a lot, my reading time dwindles too... Great job with the short story, I'm sure it will be fab :)
