Sunday 2 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 2nd September 2012

Did you notice? Did you? Did you notice my CampNaNo participant badge to the right has changed to a CampNaNo winner? Did you? Now I know this is shameless trumpet blasting but I am just so pleased I completed it this August. There were times in the month when I got behind and found myself thinking about giving up but I kept going. And a huge part of my motivation is my ROW80 buddies who are just so damn supportive no matter what you say to them and how much you moan and whine. It is such an amazing group!

Now I reached 50, 138 words but my WIP 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker' is maybe just past the halfway point. I haven't written today or yesterday in a post CampNaNo breather but I am back to work tomorrow and I don't want to ease off. I want to keep going so I get this WIP finished and then I can start thinking about NaNoWriMo in November! Madness I know but I just get so much done during the NaNo.

I need to tweak my goals because I know the next few weeks will be intense at work so writing the CampNaNo amount may be too big a stretch but I am going to aim for 1,000 words five times a week. This gives me a bit of leeway on busy days and some nights when I know I won't get a chance to write but should still keep my writing going.

From tomorrow my goals are:
1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goals 2 to 4 are the same and here is how I did with them last week!
Goal 2 - check!
Goal 3 - check! Am reading book 64 of the year now.
Goal 4 - I reviewed 'Along came a spider' by James Patterson which you can read here

I hope you are all doing well and we are entering the home stretch of this round of ROW80 so lets go hard!!!!


  1. You GO girl!! So proud of you :) As for me, I hung in the towel and can't claim winner status (I started my count on day 1, not counting what words I already had written prior to camp). CONGRATS!

  2. Congrats on winning CampNaNo! This is awesome. I tried doing JuNoWriMo back in June and failed miserably, so I can only admire your achievement! Hope you have a great writing week...

  3. Way to go on the goals, Em! And congrats on Campnano! Keep up the good work and have a great week!

  4. Wow, Em, you're kicking so seriously ass! I'm so happy for you!
    Congrats on CampNano and everything else! WOOT!
    Have a great, great week!

  5. Congratulations, Em! You did it. Keep up the great pace and press on. Matchmaker, Matchmaker is well on the way to a finished manuscript.

    Have a fantastic week despite the busyness coming.
